Do We Need Discipleship Goals?

Seeing the Big Picture of Discipleship through a puzzle “box art” top view helps you find the missing pieces to your discipleship puzzle.

Discipleship Goals is designed to help you find the missing pieces to your discipleship plan. You’ll be introduced to goals that Jesus lived out in his ministry to help you see the big picture of what disciple-making can include.

Disciple-making needs help, and that help begins with people who are pursuing God asking the question: “Do we need discipleship goals?”

It’s been said a failure to plan is a plan to fail. Therefore, a failure to set discipleship goals is a plan to fail at discipleship. My heart is to set you up for success in completing your discipleship puzzle so you can help others do the same.

The “Discipleship Goals” book will come out soon. In the mean time, check out the blog and like us on facebook!

How Would You Know if You Are Missing Pieces?

Allow me to frame this question with a few thought-provoking questions:

Are you able to feed yourself spiritually and help others feed themselves spiritually?

Do you emphasize serving others (inside and outside the church) to the glory of God?

Can you tell a non-Christian how to become a Christian?

Does your discipleship plan include helping disciples know why they believe what they believe (basic theology and apologetics)?

Does your plan include developing skills like how to study the bible and developing your moral compass?

Are you ready to train others to be disciple-makers of Jesus?

Do you have a clear outcome in mind for disciples of Jesus?

(Jesus role modeled all of these things and more. We should look to him to determine what goals to include in our discipleship.)

If any of your answers to these questions are no, it means you’re missing pieces to the discipleship puzzle.

You’re not alone.

Discipleship Is in Crisis

What the church is doing is failing. Epicly. Churches are not making disciple-makers (disciples who can make disciples); which is what Jesus commanded us to do.

Discipleship is more than information, but beliefs do inform our faith.

Consider what recent polls have shown what Christians in America believe:

Less than 10% have a biblical worldview.
52% believe they can earn salvation via good works.
63% believe there is more than one way to Heaven
Source:; 2020

40% do not believe the Bible is totally accurate.
40% do not believe Satan is a real being.
20% believe Jesus sinned while on earth.
31% believe they have a responsibility to share their faith with others.
About 80% do not believe absolute moral truth exists.
Source:; 2000

These are the results of modern day, American churches’ discipleship.

Are we really making disciples as Jesus intended?

Discover Missing Pieces :: Disciple Makers Set Goals

:: Good Goals ::

specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely

:: Intentional Relationships ::

between disciple-maker and disciple; the disciple and God; the disciple and church; the disciple and others; spurring each other on towards loving God

:: Educational ::

Bible Essentials, Basic theology, Baseline apologetics, Biblical worldview

:: Skill based ::

Bible Study Methods, Evangelism, Praying with others, Confidence in having spiritual conversations, developing bible-based moral convictions

:: Seeking God ::

Through personal purity, loving God, and Dependence on the Holy Spirit

:: Service and Involvement ::

In and outside the church, using spiritual gifts to God’s glory

:: Entrust ::

Disciple-Making in such a way that Disciples can pass it on

Something Needs to Change :: Let the conversation begin with you.

The conversation to change how your church does discipleship won’t happen if no one starts talking about this. We’re not saying your doing something wrong… just missing a few important pieces. So many are so close to being ready to make disciples – this will help fill in the gaps. Are you ready?

Let Discipleship Goals help guide the conversation to discover which discipleship pieces are missing for you.

It’s Worth It.

It’ll be Worth it.

It’s what Jesus intended for us.

Wherever you happen to be, make disciples- teaching and equipping them them to observe and obey all that Jesus commanded.
Matthew 28:19-20 (paraphrased)